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英文推荐信范文及翻译篇一 To Whom It May ConcernCheri Jackson is an extraordinary young woman As her AP English Professor, I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her d;XX was admitted to our school in September 2006, and graduated in 2009 During which, she displayed moral discipline, respect to teachers, unity among the student body and helpfulness, thus earning merits from。

Best wishes, Li 丽 书信的英语作文带翻译篇二 Dear Robert, 亲爱的罗伯特 I#39m glad to receive your letter Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam Firstly, I;he students study hard and earnestly, consciously strong curiosity, spirit, have found that the question, the analysis and problem solving ability In the professional knowledge and laid a good foundation。

你好,你的文章翻译 我已经通过传送到你的邮件,请查收我英语专业8级,你的问题我也已经帮您结局请查收谢谢希望可以帮到你;can let her discuss the patience to revise repeatedly, finally writes outstanding and the splendid graduation thesis her curiosity helped her smooth and outstanding has completed her undergraduate college stage study。

1Dear South Korea Dongguk University teacherI am very honest I recommended you to one of the best students such as Zhou Kai, to study the exchange of your schoolI am a teacher, such as Zhou Kai。


1、Lin Dong July 4, 2012 1 Student Zhou Feng was in June 2012 graduated from the Oriental Institute of Technology Business Management 2The students studied hard, earned good grades, scientific research and。

2、Dear SirIt is very honored for me to recommend Mr Wang Wei to youWang Wei was my assistant in Nanjing University As I am going to work in Beijing University, I feel so pity that I can not work。

3、英语推荐信推荐班长dear headmaster i want to recommend xufan as our monitor he is kind and polite to peoplehe always gets along well with classmates ,and he is ready to help others solve their proble。

4、英文MBA推荐信翻译样本 Dear Admissions OfficerI am writing this letter to support the admission of Wenli Lee to the Harvard Business School I was Mr Lee‘s teacher and advisor for several years between。

5、我祝愿某某会在自己的求学道路上一帆风顺,也在此向您推荐这位具有耐心和求知欲望的学生It is my pleasure to recommend my students soandso, as XXX university graduation thesis guides and the economics of the。


6、TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 日期 I am name titles, and I am pleased to recommend Miss XXX for her admission into your 申请什么学历什么专业然后在写完推荐信之后,署名那里要留推荐人的名字,职务,学校。

7、英文自我推荐信范文带翻译一 敬启者顷阅今日XX报,得悉贵公司招聘职员,本人符合报载所列条件,拟参加应征我于三年前,毕业于某大学外文系,自信能符合贵公司征求精通英文之要求本人除在大学主修英文外,并在ABC贸。

8、Nearly 50 percent of children have to stop watching at 730pm to 930pm and 40 percent at 930pm to 1100pm Nevertheless, there are still a few students indulge in the TV world after 1100pm。





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