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英文 简历 写得好,大学生求职者就有望得到用人单位的青睐,那你知道大学生求职者的英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家带来的大学生英文 个人简历模板 ,相信对你会有帮助的。



Sex: male

Date of Birth: July 27,1955

Ways of Communications:

Mobile phone:



July 1971 graduated from No.1Junior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China

Sep 1971 entered No. 1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China

July 1974 graduated from No.1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China

Aug 1974 became an "intellectual youth" and began to do farm work in my home village (such was the case for all middle school graduates during the "Cultural Revolution")

March1978 entered English Faculty of Foreign Languages Dept. of Northeast Normal University of P.R.China through the first college entrance exam after the "Cultural Revolution"

Working Experience:

Feb 1982 became a teacher in English Teaching Office of Foreign Languages Dept. of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China; at the same time, working as a part-time translator in Language Translation Center of Heilongjiang Province and many other translation companies, with millions of characters of translation works covering many fields in such languages as English,French,German,Japanese, Chinese,Spanish, Italian,Russian, Arabic,Latin,etc. published both home and abroad.

May 1998 went to Tokyo, Japan, and began to work as a Chinese lecturer at Japanese- Chinese College of Tokyo and some small-scaled Chinese classes in the society. Sometimes, did some translation jobs at home.

Sep 2000 returned to China and started teaching English at Tsinghua University of Beijing and doing part-time translation jobs for various companies.

Degrees and Qualifications:

Jan.1982 BA of Northeastern Normal University of China

May1992 TOEFL, score: 630 (composition score: 5.5)

June1994 English Associate Professor of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China


Name: xuexila


National: Han

Profession: Business Administration

Contact Tel:


Contact Address:

Email Address: xuexila.com


Word processing: Microsoft Word

Other applications: PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, QuarkExpress, PhotoShop, Excel , Access, File Maker Pro, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Reference Manager

Writing ability (proposals, newsletters, presentations, resumes, cover letters)

Internet skills

Event coordination: trade shows, seminars, user conferences


Interpersonal skills - ability to put people at ease; Dependable, organized, efficient ;Team player; Self-starter


The Health Institute, Division of Clinical Care Research, New England Medical Center, Boston, MA

November 2000 - Present, Executive Assistant to Director and to Research Scientist

Created prepress drafts for flyers, catalogs, order forms, and price lists

Managed digital image library

Formatted digital images for Website

Coordinated co-op program and produced credit memos

Wrote memos, presentations, and correspondence for Vice President

Maintained Excel sheets for budget, brand ID program, and retail mailer program

Monitored invoices

Health Dialog, Inc., Boston, MA

Sept. 1998-April 1999 Administrative Assistant for healthcare management firm

Edited and produced company newsletter

Maintained company database

Performed Internet research on health topics and competition

Reviewed and analyzed health videos

Created PowerPoint presentations

Fulfilled orders for videotapes


Taught in nursery school for 5 years and kindergarten for two years


Prescription Parents, Inc. (a parent support group for parents of children with cleft lip/palate)

Member (1981-present), President (1995-present, 1985-87), Secretary (1984-85), Newsletter Editor (1982-84, 1987-89), Corresponding Secretary (1989-1995)

Office for Children, Southern District Council, Former Member of Board of Directors


1992-93 Katharine Gibbs School, Boston, MA. "Entree" Business Program, Dean\s List

1971-75 Boston State College, Boston, MA. M.Ed. Early Childhood Education, Dean\s List

1967-71 Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT. B.A., major in English



Personal information


Don't sex: male

Years of age: 33 nations: the han nationality

Working experience: above 8 years in living ground: zhejiang taizhou linhai city

Body: CM door mouth: taizhou in zhejiang province Sanmen county

Self assessment

After graduating from college in Shanghai family tree construction engineering co., LTD., 1 year, after the boss know now TONY CHING, an Australian immigration is a native of Hong Kong, because he asked, as he made five years China director. A group company in Hong Kong and Australia, including Hong Kong Universal frontier Enterprise Corporation LimitedShanghai Eagle Business Consultants. Contain Australia received Concepts Pty LimitedInnovative Links Pty Limited. Business including sales bicycle, glass, diving equipment and lawn mowers, etc., China office is located in guangzhou. TONY is the most proud of one thing for my first job is to help him return to buy goods in yongkang swindled 25000 usd, spent three and a half months I'm going to go back to the 15000 usd, TONY directly to my employment contract. The above is my work for many years. Linhai permanent settlement for parents to ask back, solid resume released at the time. Hope to meet bole!


Hope jobs: logistics/purchasing class - purchasing manager/executive/personnel class - administration manager/supervisor other classes - other related job

Seeking position: President assistant, purchasing

Hope work location: zhejiang taizhou linhai city

Expected salary: / month to post time: arrive at any time

Other salary: negotiable

Work target/direction

Hope can have a better development opportunity.

Work experience

▌ 2007-03-2007-08: received Concepts Pty Limited

Industry: wholesale and retail, department stores, supermarkets, shopping centers, store... (foreign investment enterprises)

As a post: computer - development/application/software designer

Job title: China director

Job description: responsible for product sourcing and logistics company in China area looking for high quality suppliers, to discuss cooperation, order production, international transportation

▌ 2006-02-2007-02: Shanghai family tree construction engineering co., LTD

Industry: construction, decoration (joint venture)

As a post: construction class/budget/construction projects

Job title: engineering fields

Job description: project management, decoration construction, cost control

Education experience

The 2003-09-2006-07 construction of wenzhou vocational and technical college class/construction economics and management college


Language: English: general;

Computer skill: national computer rank examination level

Other skills:

Proficient in e-commerce/computer and network maintenance/good at interpersonal communication




性 别: 男

年 龄: 33岁 民 族: 汉族

工作经验: 8年以上 居 住 地: 浙江台州 临海市

身 高: CM 户 口: 浙江台州 三门县

自 我 评 价

大学毕业后在上海家树建筑工程有限公司工作1年,后认识现在的老板——TONY CHING ,是一位祖籍香港的澳洲移民,因他要求,为他做了5年的中国区负责人。一个在香港和澳大利亚的集团公司,公司包括香港Universal frontier Enterprise Corporation LimitedShanghai Eagle Business Consultants。 澳大利亚包含 Orient Concepts Pty LimitedInnovative Links Pty Limited。业务包括销售自行车,玻璃,潜水装备和割草机等等,中国办事处设在广州。 最自豪的一件事是TONY给我的第一个工作是帮他要回在永康买货被骗的25000USD,花了3个半月我要回了15000USD,TONY直接给了我雇佣合同。以上是我的多年的工作。 因父母要求回临海永久定居,固在次发布简历。望有幸遇见伯乐!

求 职 意 向

希望岗位: 物流/采购类-采购经理/主管  行政/人事类-行政经理/主管  其他类-其它相关职位

寻求职位: 总裁助理,采购

希望工作地点: 浙江台州临海市

期望工资: /月到岗时间:随时到岗

其它待遇要求: 面议

工作目标 / 发展方向


工 作 经 历

▌2007-03--2013-08:Orient Concepts Pty Limited

所属行业: 批发零售(百货、超市、购物中心、专卖店…(外资企业)

担任岗位: 计算机-开发/应用/软件设计师

职位名称: 中国区主管



所属行业: 建筑、装潢(合资企业)

担任岗位: 建筑施工类/工程预决算/施工

职位名称: 工程预决算


教 育 经 历

2003-09--2006-07 温州职业技术学院 建筑类/建筑经济与管理 大专

技 能 专 长

语言能力: 英语:一般;

计算机能力: 全国计算机等级考试一级



点击下页还有更多 大学生中英文简历范文


1、Chinese Name:linyuan,中文名称:林园

2、English Name: Eddy Zhang,英文名:eddy zhang。

3、Sex: FEMale,性别:女。

4、Born: 6/12/86,出生:6 / 12 / 86。

5、University: zhongshan University,大学:中山大学。

6、86Major: Marketing,专业市场营销。



?pwd=tg89 提取码: tg89  

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