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建议信英语模板大学(建议信模版 英文)

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本篇文章给大家谈谈建议信英语模板大学,以及建议信模版 英文对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。











1、 首段:简介自己,不要罗嗦;说明目的,注意语气。

2、 主体:提出具体建议,首先肯定优点,再写改进内容,否则会变成投诉信;经常进行交流,注意对方感受,时时提到你和我,否则容易跑题写成议论文。




 英语作文建议信范文篇四 Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. I'm so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I won't be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,




Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend my spare time. Generally speaking, the services you offer here are quite good; however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt. And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration. To begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having classes, so they can’t come to the library. Moreover, some of the books on shelves are out of date. If you are so kind as to provide us consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear President,

I am Li Ming, a second year student in the Education Department of OUF university. I'm writing to inform you of the true conditions of our canteen service.

I don't know how to begin my account because the service is really bad. Please read my letter patiently and do something about it. We would be grateful for whateveryou do for us students.

Firstly, the quality of the food is bad. For instance, the rice is too hard. What's more, some dishes are not fresh sometimes. As a matter of fact, the poor food has already caused some stomach problems among the students.

Secondly, the service is not good enough. Some staff members give us short measure when they are in a bad mood.Now and then they behave like robbers, robbing you of your appetite. Worst of alit they never smile.

Thirdly, the price is too high. A small cake made from rice and dates cost as much as 0.6 yuan! It will cost us a good 6 yuan to fill our stomach with such cakes.

After all we are poor students. I wish my opinion would call your attention to the canteen service on campus. We are badly in need of your help. Looking forward to an early reply.

Respectfully yours,


1. 英语建议信范文3篇

2. 高考英语求助信作文范文

3. 英语书信格式范文大全

4. 考研英语必背范文30篇

5. 给老师的一封信英语作文范文4篇

6. 书信的英语作文带翻译3篇

7. 英语推荐信格式、常用句型以及范文

8. 英语写信的范文

9. 英语作文感谢信范文3篇

10. 高中英语作文范文:书信格式作文


英语作文建议信 篇1

Dear bob,亲爱的bob

I am glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to study English very good. 我很高兴能收到你的来信并让我给你提出一些怎样学好英语的建议。

Here are a few suggestions.这里有一些建议 First. I think it is important to recite English words ,第一, 我认为背诵英语单词很重要it is very important to study English .这对学习英语来说很重要 then ,it also helps to reading English newspa-pe-r and English magazine .他可以帮助你读英语报纸和英语杂志Oh. while you elect English newspa-pe-r and English magazine you must be able to yourself .哦当你选择英语报纸和英语杂志的时候,要选择适合你自己的besides, it should be a good idea to watching English movie .还有一个好的想法就是去看英语电影 you can also private your English listing when you are relaxing .当你在放松的时候你同时也可以提升你的英语听力能力。

As to your situation,以你现在的情况I suggest you can taking more and more English exercises. 我建议你可以多做一些英语练习题In addition you can private your English grammar .此外,你也可以提高农的.英语语法 if you can hard. 如果你会努力I am sure you can private your English in a short time.我可以确定你的英语在很短的时间内有提高

I am looking forward to your English level have a big change.我很期望你的英语水平有一个很大的变化。

Sincerely yours

Li Hua 你诚挚的李华

英语作文建议信 篇2

Suppose one of your friends is going to take the CET?6 and asks you for suggestions on how to make preparation. Write a letter in about 100 words to him/her. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.Dear Helen, What a surprise it is that you are going to take this June?s CET?6 since you are only a freshman in Fudan University! Anyway, your courage and efforts are worth praise.

To get fully prepared for the test, I think, you need to first enlarge your vocabulary, which is the basis of all parts. Second, you need more exercises, especially exercises of reading comprehension, in order to improve your test skills. Then you should practise writing constantly. You can e?mail your compositions to me and I will correct them for you in time. In a word, every effort is rewarding. I am looking forward to your success.

Best wishes.

英语作文建议信 篇3

Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.

With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.

Yours truly

Li Hua

英语作文建议信 篇4

Dear Principal,

Some students think the prices of the dishes are too high and that the choices are too limited. Another concern is that the time spent in waiting is so long that we have less time to have a rest. Meanwhile, some students think that the taste of the food is awful, which leads to a lot of waste. the prices be more reasonable and the choices of dishes be more various.

I sincerely hope you can adopt my suggestions. Thank you!


Li Hua

英语作文建议信 篇5

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,


英语作文建议信 篇6

Dear President,

I am Li Ming, a second year student in the Education Department of OUF university. Im writing to inform you of the true conditions of our canteen service.

I dont know how to begin my account because the service is really bad. Please read my letter patiently and do something about it. We would be grateful for whateveryou do for us students.

Firstly, the quality of the food is bad. For instance, the rice is too hard. Whats more, some dishes are not fresh sometimes. As a matter of fact, the poor food has already caused some stomach problems among the students.

Secondly, the service is not good enough. Some staff members give us short measure when they are in a bad mood.Now and then they behave like robbers, robbing you of your appetite. Worst of alit they never smile.

Thirdly, the price is too high. A small cake made from rice and dates cost as much as 0.6 yuan! It will cost us a good 6 yuan to fill our stomach with such cakes.

After all we are poor students. I wish my opinion would call your attention to the canteen service on campus. We are badly in need of your help. Looking forward to an early reply.

Respectfully yours,

英语作文建议信 篇7

Dear Wang Mei,

I’m very glad to have received your e-mail.Now I’m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. First of all,you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that 众所周知),vocabulary is of great importance / essential.You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud.What’s more,try to your classmates in English out of class.In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English quickly.Last but not least,you should keeping a diary,which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt.

I hope these suggestions will be of use to you.Remember:where there is a will,there is a way./The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”.

Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua


建议信写作目的是提出建议或忠告,不是投诉信,观点要合情合理,注意礼貌当先。下面我带大家了解英语的建议信 作文 该怎么写,希望能给你带来帮助。

英语作文 建议信 范文 篇一

Dear ,

① I am very ______ to know that . ① 写信的原因 ② I'm looking forward to . ② 表示欢迎

③ I'm afraid that ③ 表述建议理由 ④ I'd like to suggest that first……then _ . ④ 提出建议

⑤ I believe this kind of arrangement will________________ ⑤ 有说服力

⑥ Moreover,if _____________ , ⑥ 补充建议

⑦ It is necessary for you to . ⑦ 提出建议 ⑧ With_______________you will . ⑧ 建议理由

⑨ Wish_____________________________ ⑨祝愿


Dear Wang Mei,

I’m very glad to have received your e-mail.Now I’m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. First of all,you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that 众所周知),vocabulary is of great importance / essential.You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud.What’s more,try to your classmates in English out of class.In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English quickly.Last but not least,you should keeping a diary,which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt.

I hope these suggestions will be of use to you.Remember:where there is a will,there is a way./The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”.

Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua


To Whom It May Concern,

I am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend my spare time. Generally speaking, the services you offer here are quite good; however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt. And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration. To begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having classes, so they can’t come to the library. Moreover, some of the books on shelves are out of date. If you are so kind as to provide us consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming





Dear Miss Wang,

I’m a student from GuiZhou Experimental High School. I have a problem. I argued with my best friend Lisa for some very tiny things and said some bad words to her a few days ago. Then, we never talk to each other any more.Now, I feel quite lonely sometimes and don’t want to lose my best friend. I know she must be hurt by my words, and I am not sure that she still want to be my friend or not? I do want to change this situation, but I don’t know how. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.

Yours, Jim What is Jim’s problem? If you were Miss Wang, what would you say? Dear Jim, (写作模板) I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to (引出主题). Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to . Then, it also helps to . Besides, it should be a good idea to . You can also . (此三句不同的句式提出建议) As to , I suggest (有时根据需要具体到某一反面). In addition, (其他建议). I'm sure (预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心). I'm looking forward to (表达愿望).

Sincerely yours,

Miss Wang


Dear Manager, I’m writing in response to your invitation to guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.

I was a guest at your hotel last month and I found that the level of customer service was excellent. Indeed, every member of your staff, from the manager to the room-cleaning maid, was, without exception, extremely polite and helpful. The standard of the rooms was far beyond what I had expected.

However, I found that the hotel restaurant stopped serving breakfast at 8:30am. As I was on holiday, I would have liked to take my breakfast at around 9:30, thus I was unable to do so.

I also spoke to several other guests who expressed the same disappointment. In addition, I feel that if you could supply newspapers in Chinese, the quality of stay for Chinese speakers, of whom the number has been on a steady rise in the past few years, would be considerably enhanced.

I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in your constant improvement of your overall service. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Kenny Gao


To Whom It May Concern,

As a student of this university, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be beneficial to express my views concerning the quality of the library service.

In the first place, I find that most keyboards of the library computers are in poor operation, which brings much inconvenience to the users. I would also recommend the library to improve the efficiency of purchasing new books and subscribing to academic journals. Last but not least, the study rooms need to be furnished with a better lighting system.

I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration.

Yours sincerely,

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